Saturday, September 8, 2012

looking for beer risotto with mushroom garlic chicken

Some people like to have drinks socially. Some like to have a drink or two at dinner. Then, there's my friends..the, ya know, functioning alcoholics. I assure you they are all relatively normal, they just happen to like their alcohol plentiful. What better way to entice my friends to stay in on a Saturday night than offer them alcohol and alcohol IN THEIR MEAL. Even better, I bought a six pack of beer and really only needed about a bottle and a half so the rest was my "mommy's little helper." I'm starting to sound like an alcoholic myself, which means I should really get to the dish before you choose to end your food blog experience. 

I seriously cannot put into words how amazing this dish was. If I could, I would personally hand deliver and feed every single one of you this meal. Even if you don't like beer, I'm sure you'd like this. The taste of the beer itself is fairly mild (especially depending on the beer you choose.) The chicken is tender and juicy, and is so well complimented by the ever so tasty beer/mushroom/garlic sauce. Paired together with the fluffy, cheesy risotto and you've just gotten a small taste of heaven. And have I mentioned the aroma that will permeate your kitchen? I'm getting hungry again...

For the chicken:

4 chicken breasts
2 Tbs. canola oil
1 Tsp. salt
1 Tsp. pepper
3 large shallots, thinly sliced
2 cups sliced mushrooms
6 cloves garlic (minced)
2 Tbs. unsalted butter (cubed)
8 ounces of beer (of your choice)

Preheat the oven to 375F, and in the meantime heat a large oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat and add canola oil. Once the skillet is well heated, add the chicken breast-side down and sear until golden brown (about 2 minutes.) Flip and cook for another 2 minutes. Add in mushroom, shallots and garlic, then pour the beer. Top with cubed butter. Reduce heat to low and cook for about two minutes, then place in the oven for 30 minutes. 

Once you've got the chicken in the oven, you're ready to start on the risotto.

For the risotto:

1 Tbs. olive oil
1 Tbs. unsalted butter
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 1/2 Cup arborio rice
12 ounces of beer
2 Cups chicken stock
1/4 Cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
1/4 Tsp. pepper
1/4 Tsp. salt

Heat a large saucepan over medium-high heat, add olive oil and butter and then add the garlic. Stir for about thirty seconds, and then add the rice. Mix the rice constantly until it has been completely coated, and opaque (about 3-4 minutes.) Add in the beer, and stir every minute or so until the beer has been absorbed by the rice. Once the beer has been absorbed, add the chicken stock and continue the same process. Once the chicken stock has been fully absorbed, the rice will look a bit sticky - but go ahead and taste test the rice to make sure it is nice and soft. If it isn't thoroughly cooked, continue to add (a bit) more chicken stock until it is at a consistency that you like. Once it's at a perfect consistency, add the cheese, salt and pepper.

Once the risotto is ready and the chicken has reached the thirty minute mark, it's time to plate! Serve with risotto on the bottom, chicken on the top and a large spoonful of the beer/mushroom/garlic sauce. I wouldn't change a damn thing about this dish. It truly was phenomenal and I'll get to work on that hand delivery gig I discussed earlier. 

Oh, word to the wise - once you've taken the chicken out of the oven and are ready to plate, don't be stupid like me and instinctively grab the handle of the fresh-out-of-the-oven skillet. I never realized how useful my left hand was until it was out of commission. Another word to the wise, don't drink as much as I did while cooking. The second "word to the wise" might prevent you from experiencing my first "word to the wise." Typing one-handed has sucked. 

Until my next adventure...


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